Hello, lovely! I’m Nospheratt and this is Joy Every Week - a weekly quest to find joy in everyday things. Enjoy! :)
Hello, friend. 💚
I hope you’re warm and cozy (or fresh and cozy, if you’re reading this from the other side of the world 😊).
Today I’m bringing to you something I hope you’ll enjoy - a Cozy Joy Planner for December. (and beyond)
As I was trying to write some type of “sales page copy” for it, I realized: I don’t want to do that. 😂 It’s not me. I don’t want to “sales page” you anything, and it’s not just because this little printable planner is completely free.
What I want, what I’m here for, is to offer you companionship, guidance if you want it; encouragement when you need it; inspiration and ideas so you can turn back to what gives you joy, again and again, and keep finding it even when the days are stressful and busy.
So let’s do that instead, shall we? 😊
Making space for joy is not easy. 🌿
We always feel like there’s more important stuff, no time, we can get to it later.
Sometimes that’s true, sometimes it’s not.
I would bet that at this point you’re wondering where did November go, since December is knocking on the door. At least, I am. 😅
I don’t want December to go by in a blur. I want to enjoy the magic, have as much quiet joy and wild fun as I can, before the year is over. I want to make memories and do silly stuff and have profound moments.
I want to spend time with the people I love, and take time to remember Decembers past.
The only way I know to make all of that happen is to plan for it. Think in advance about what’s important to me, set aside time and energy for it.
This is my gift for you today: this small, cozy planner so you can set time aside for your joy, too.
What’s Inside?
The planner has different sections; each one was designed to make the process of planning for joy as easy, simple and enjoyable as I could imagine.
Joy Exploration - a space to explore what the concept of joy means to you today.
Joyful Things - prompts to help you make short lists of possible joys.
Menu of Delights - your joy, à la carte. List different types of experiences, tailored for different moments & needs.
Monthly Planner - All of the month’s small joys at a glance
Weekly Planner - The space to look forward to the week ahead
Daily Planner - A beautiful, cozy page to dream up joy for the day
A Year of Joy - A section where you can start conjuring the joys of 2025! ✨
The planner is designed to cover the month of December, with 5 weekly pages and 31 daily pages - there are 56 pages total.
Printing & Binding
The planner available sizes are A5 and US Half-Letter. Download them here:
If you’re printing at home, remember that quality of paper and impression make a difference in the final result. And don’t forget to print both sides of the pages! 😁
Sending the PDF to a printer service is another option; many places will print and bind the journal for you.
For binding at home, you can hole-punch the printed pages, or buy pre-punched paper — then you just need to tie the pages together with a pretty ribbon or add them to a cozy binder. There are lots of options on Etsy!
I’m thinking about a transparent binder to show off the cover, or maybe a kraft cover to keep with the cozy theme.
The process of imagining, creating and designing this mini-journal was a lot of fun. I’ve enjoyed thinking about which sections would be useful, which prompts would be fun, how to hold space so your joy can express itself on the pages.
I really hope you like it. I hope you actually print it and use it to add spark to this month, these dark times.
Let’s Gather, Journal & Make Space For Joy
And you don’t have to do this alone! 😊
I will be hosting an open chat next week (my first ever, so I’m a tiny bit anxious. But it will be fun! Right? 😅) so we can work on it together, share our joys and inspiration.
All day long, there will be prompts, sprints and check-ins, so you can talk about your progress and have fun making space for your joy. 💚
I’ll open it on Tuesday, December 03 and I’ll be delighted if you join me!
That’s It For Today!
This Sunday, December 1st, I’ll send you a special post: 31 Small Joys For December.
It’s a list of small, simple, everyday things we can enjoy this month. Lots of ideas to add to your Cozy Joy Planner, and make the most of December’s magic. ✨✨✨
See you then! :) —Nospheratt