Hello! :) I’m Nospheratt, and this is Joy Every Week -
a weekly quest to find joy in everyday things.
Do you know how life sometimes runs you over like a freight train?
Like a very, very high tide rushing over your head until you lose contact with the ground and get dragged under?
Well, that’s an accurate picture of my life the last few weeks months. And on top of everything that’s going on (maybe/probably because of it) I’ve been carrying some kind of cold around (not covid - I got tested) since… *checks calendar* …October 03.
Anyways. Hello lovely subscribers, I bet this was the fun content you were expecting when you subscribed, right? 😆
Fear not. I will be back, actually definitively back home next week, and we’ll resume our weekly joy quests properly.
And since November 5 is terrifyingly close, next Friday I’ll be sharing strategies to cope with election stress and the fear of not knowing what’s coming. We’ll take a look at how you can develop a personalized protocol for dealing with extremely stressful days and weeks.
In the meantime, please enjoy some cool stuff I’ve written.
😫Help, Everything Sucks
If you need help with the hard times right now, take a look at these:
I’ve made a page where you can find all the “find joy when everything sucks” quests and guides here: Joy When Things Are Hard.
🍂Cozy Joy
And, in case you missed them, or want some lighter quests for joy, here are some of my favorite:
That’s It For Today!
Thank you so, so much for being here, for reading, commenting, clicking on the little ❤️ to tell me you liked my work.
For not giving up on me. 🥲
I see you, and I appreciate you. I hope the warmth from my heart can reach all the way to where you are, right now. 💜💜💜
See you next week. —Nospheratt
Oh no, colds are no fun at all! Rest up, friend. I hope you feel better soon, and I'm always so happy to get little doses of joy from you.