Simple things you can do to take care of yourself today
Self-Care for Election Day (and the coming weeks)
Hello! :) I’m Nospheratt, and this is Joy Every Week - a weekly quest to find joy in everyday things. You’re receiving this either because you subscribed or someone forwarded it to you.
If you're feeling like crap, you're not alone. We're all scared, anxious, tired, uncertain. Today and the next few days are going to be stressful, high-stakes days, so here's a list of simple things you can do to take care of yourself.
We’re working on a personalized plan to manage our stress and anxiety, and take the best care we can of ourselves.
The plan is divided in 5 areas:
Body comfort
Self-Care - today’s focus.
Read the list, choose a couple of things to focus on, and try to keep up with that. If something is not helping, try something different.
The most important things is to remember to take breaks and come back to yourself all day long, alright? 💙
Drink water
Staying hydrated helps your whole body function better & helps your energy levels and mood.
Other liquids can help with this: herbal tea, juice, sports drinks. Sodas, coffee & black or green tea can give you a caffeine / sugar boost but are dehydrating. Proceed accordingly.
Have food and snacks at the ready
Of course, the healthier you can go, the better. BUT if there's ever reason to go full carbs/comfort food, this is it.
Just try to have something to eat besides the Doritos. Ideally, not another pack of Doritos. 😂
Sleep if you can.
If you can take a nap, go for it.
If you can't sleep, try to distract yourself with something fun: books, fic, movies, series, cat videos. Anything to give your brain a break from the doomscrolling and stress thinking.
Take regular breaks. At least 5 minutes every hour. Get up, leave your phone for a minute, walk around. Move your body to get rid of the creakiness of being hunched over the screens of doom.
This is a good moment to stretch your neck, roll your shoulder, shake your arms and stretch your fingers.
I am begging you, find some simple, quick stretches and do them. It will change you life, I promise.
A lot of back pain, headaches and pain in general gets a lot better with a few minutes of stretching.
You don't need to be a contortionist or even flexible to benefit from this.
Don't know where to star? Take a look at these:
5 min SEATED STRETCH - quick chair yoga work break for beginners (I just did this and I feel so much better. Try it right now!)
Lower Back Reset - Easy Yoga for Lower Back Pain (Gentle Supine Stretch)
You don't need a tub for some good self-care. A good, long shower will relax your muscles and allow your brain to reset.
Playing music or nature sounds can enhance the relaxing effect.
If you're able to do it safely, even a short walk around the block will reset your brain, boost your mood and relax your body.
Virtual walks
The same applies to seeing nature. Can't go for a walk? Take an imaginary walk anywhere your heart desires.
They are a simple way to connect with nature no matter where we are.
Don't know where to start?
Relaxing Walk in the Rain, Binaural Rain and Nature Sounds - I’m obsessed with this one right now, and there’s several playlists linked in the video description.
Take a look at some Collections on Unsplash.
Nature sounds
Whether it's rain, ocean waves, birds, or whatever you like better, nature sounds help us relax, reduce stress and improve our mood. Look for some playlist on Spotify, YouTube or
Besides your favorite games, try to have on deck a few relaxing games - like coloring games, jigsaw, nonograms, or whatever you think would take your mind off the doom track for a few minutes.
If you can, putting on some favorite or high energy music and dancing around is a good way to expend nervous energy, move your body, relax and boost your mood.
No need for perfection or expert choreography (unless that's your thing). Just have fun!
Guided meditations have been a huge help for me this last year. You don't need to sit there thinking "don't think don't think don't think". There someone tell you how to focus and relax, and keeping you company all the way.
I absolutely recommend playing your favorite nature sounds as background for the guided meditation. It enhances the experience and gives your attention an anchor when the guide is not speaking.
I use Calm (there’s a free trial) and have used Insight Timer (free).
You can try this 10 Minute Mindfulness Meditation | Self Soothing from Calm on Youtube.
Go for things that will take your mind off the anxiety and nervousness for a while. Comfort reads, a book you're looking forward, that fic from a favorite author you've been saving for a rainy day.
Or any story about overcoming an evil empire or leaving an abuser, if that's your jam.
That’s It For Today!
How are you dealing with the stress and anxiety? Let me know if you have suggestions, or if you try any of these! 🌻
If you’re in the US, please vote. And stay safe! 💙
Until next time. —Nospheratt