Thank you for this - your writing has given me a meaningful opportunity to stop and reflect.

I’m letting go of BIG things this season…a separation (and subsequent divorce) with the father of my children. It’s been a long time coming and it feels good to finally have definite dates set for moving out etc.

I was reflecting however on something, maybe seemingly, smaller. I’m a highly sensitive person and an introvert and on the days that I go to my day job (I’m a kindergarten teacher- sensory stimulation galore !)- I’m completely empty when I get home. I only work part time and somehow I have a hard time giving myself permission to still be exhausted.

So I’m letting go🍁 of an expectation to be a perfect house maker when I get home on those days (or any days really). My kids are grown -they can heat up the leftovers if I don’t have the energy to make dinner. I can rest.

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❤️ Those are both important - a big thing like a separation feels like it has more weight, of course. But the smaller, day-to-day things make up most of our lives. The pressure to be perfect all the time, every day, also carries a significant weight, because it's always there. I'm glad you're giving yourself permission to be exhausted. It's not easy, I know. We have so many expectations about being always there and taking care of everything. I've been working on something similar and it's so hard. But we practice, and we try again, and that's enough. ♥️

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