I really enjoyed reading this. I must assume, from your referrences to mate thay your ancestral home is a regiom some people call "the end of the world". I also have roots there. But I never drank mate. Although everyone around did when growing up, and they still do. But me? I was always a coffee person. Well, why not be honest... a coffee addict. Anyway, my routines and rituals are something else. Te invito a visitar mi substack. Saludos.

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I'm glad you liked it 💙 I think that "the end of the world" most commonly refers to Ushuaia in Argentina, one of the southernmost cities in the world. I'm from a bit far north, Uruguay; and I grew up in Rio Grande do Sul, the southernmost state in Brazil.

And yeah, mate is not for everyone, tho it seems everybody drinks it down there. 😂 I only started drinking mate when I got married, because I hated to see my husband drinking mate alone. Nowadays, I drink more mate than him! You can say I'm a mate addict, I guess 😅

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Is it the "bottom of the world"?

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Well, surprise-surprise, I was born in Montevideo, Uruguay myself. Such happenstance! Un placer.😊

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OH MY GAWD that's awesome!! 😂 Hola, que placer, de verdad! You've left a long time ago, right (I've read your about page)? Have you been back? I have a million questions, it's rare that I find uruguayos "in the wild", so to speak :D

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Amazing coincidence, right? Yes, i left when I was 16 and I am now 64. A lifetime! But my family are still there and we have visited each other through the years. My last visit was in 2022. Amo Mvdeo. Los cafecitos en la Ciudad Vieja con amigos. En fin, no tomo mate pero me encantan los asados y el dulce de leche. Do I qualify as true Uruguayan?🤣

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Ah, amazing indeed! :D I'm also from Montevideo, we visited last year for the holidays. También la amo <3 Asado y dulce de leche es lo que más extraño acá 😂 Tenemos un parrilín de carbón pero no es lo mismo que hacer fuego con leña en una parrilla grande. 😅

As for true Uruguayan, si te sentís uruguayo, por supuesto que si! 😉 💙

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